VSAT Private Networks
Provides solutions to cover the customer need to reach and communicate with the unreachable remote sites or poor infrastructure sites. The solutions depend on the customer requirements to connect the sites with the customer existing network at his main site. The System enables service operators and enterprises to provision a variety of services and applications.
Hub based VSAT Services (AlkanNet)
A full-featured Internet and telephony solution that delivers high-speed Internet over Satellite hence subscribers at any location can enjoy seamless internet connectivity and voice services. AlkanNet also serves as a Satellite backup solution that ensures business continuity in case of any breakdown or disruption of traditional voice and data networks, providing two way satellite services for connecting the head office with remote branches and securing fully fledged telephony services to local, national and international destinations
Maritime Solutions
Intelligent technology of stabilized platform auto-tracking antenna system that automatically detects the correct angles of azimuth and elevation of the current geographical location using a GPS system, hence allowing a very intelligent flexible and smooth tracking of satellite even in worst weather conditions. Perfect for ships, vessels, floating and semi-submersible oil rigs.
Mobile Satcom Solutions
A wide variety of mobile solutions for Land, Maritime and Aeronautical applications. Serves also as a Satellite backup solution that ensures business continuity in case of any breakdown or disruption of traditional voice and data networks, providing two way satellite services for connecting the head office with remote branches and securing fully fledged telephony services to local, national and international.
WiMax & Pre-WiMax Wireless connectivity Solutions
Alkan provides state of the art; affordable wireless solutions with proven technical and economic advantages that help enable mainstream adoption of enterprise and personal broadband. Our vast experience in wireless networks design, installation and maintenance; helps you empower your business. We provide the reliability you need to grow your systems into the future. Alkan’s Suite of Wireless Connectivity Solutions including WiMax and Pre-WiMax delivers an unmatched combination of range, capacity, security, and reliability, even in very challenging environments.
IOT connectivity Solutions
The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.
Optical Transmission
In today's communication infrastructure as businesses and individuals rely more on technology,We offer a comprehensive suite of optical communications services that can help in high-performance, real-time monitoring and intelligent, proactive Operations and Maintenance